Why It’s Important to go to the Dentist While Pregnant
Dental care shouldn’t take a back seat during pregnancy. In fact, ensuring your oral health is in good shape while pregnant is even more important as you’re at an increased risk of developing dental issues. Unfortunately, many expectant mothers avoid visiting the dentist during their pregnancy due to fears that it might be harmful to themselves and their babies. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
In this blog, we’ll discuss the array of dental treatments available to pregnant women, highlighting the importance of maintaining regular dental visits throughout your pregnancy.
Common Dental Issues Experienced by Pregnant Women
Pregnancy Gingivitis – An inflammation of the gums, gingivitis occurs following a buildup of plaque along the gumline, resulting in redness and swelling. Due to a surge in hormones during pregnancy, expectant mothers are more susceptible to the early stage of this periodontal disease.
Tooth Decay – Due to a change in hormones and eating habits, pregnant women are more susceptible to developing tooth decay. In addition, many mums-to-be experience morning sickness, which causes stomach acid that can damage the enamel on your teeth and increase the risk of decay.
Gum Sensitivity – During pregnancy, women experience increased levels of the hormone progesterone, which affects numerous tissues, particularly the gums in the soft part of the mouth. This hormonal imbalance can lead to inflammation and bleeding gums, making tooth brushing incredibly uncomfortable. Consequently, many women avoid brushing these sensitive areas, inadvertently increasing the risk of tooth decay.
What Dental Treatment Can You Have When Pregnant?
At Lux Dental, we recommend attending regular check-ups while pregnant. As your hormones change when you’re expecting, your gums can swell and become irritated.
These preventative appointments are crucial to avoid the development of infections and disease. It’s also important to receive necessary procedures such as crowns and root canals while pregnant, however, timing is key.
Tooth Extraction
If your tooth is damaged beyond repair, it could put your oral health at risk.
Tooth extractions can be performed at any point during pregnancy, however, your dentist will likely recommend waiting until the second trimester if possible.
Root Canal
If a root canal is required, treatment should not be delayed.
Your dentist can safely perform the procedure at any point during your pregnancy. However, because X-rays will need to be taken, the ideal time for surgery is after the first trimester.
As a precautionary measure, dentists will no longer use silver-coloured fillings in pregnant or breastfeeding women, unless they believe it absolutely necessary.
Instead, they will use a composite filling, made from resin and glass. This will be the same colour as the rest of your teeth, making it much less noticeable.
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening and other aesthetic procedures can be performed during pregnancy, however, we recommend waiting until after the birth for any cosmetic dental treatments.
Orthodontic Treatment
If you find out you’re pregnant while undergoing orthodontic treatment, you should continue your treatment plan rather than stopping midway.
However, if you’re considering starting orthodontic treatment during pregnancy, your dentist will likely recommend postponing until after the baby is born. This is because, during pregnancy, you may experience slight changes in your mouth and facial structure. This might mean you require more frequent adjustments to your braces or the creation of new aligners.
Can You Have Dental X-Rays When Pregnant?
Modern dental X-rays produce incredibly low doses of radiation, meaning they are safe for pregnant women. However, we will only undertake X-rays if completely necessary and not during the first trimester.
Rest assured, a single dose is not high enough to affect the foetus. In fact, the level of exposure is equal to that experienced during a one to two hour flight.
Can I Have Anaesthetic at the Dentist When Pregnant?
If you need to undergo a dental procedure during pregnancy, anaesthetic can still be used to help you remain comfortable. Your dentist will use the lowest concentration of anaesthesia possible for the type of procedure being performed, but still enough to ensure optimal levels of relaxation.
During your consultation, it’s essential that you inform your dentist about your pregnancy. This will allow them to choose suitable anaesthetics and set appropriate levels. If you have any questions or concerns about the type of anaesthetic being used to complete your procedure, please don’t hesitate to ask your dental practitioner.
Why is it Important to go to the Dentist While Pregnant?
Prioritising your oral health during pregnancy is crucial.
As your body changes, your gums become increasingly sensitive to bacteria and vulnerable to plaque. Not only is this incredibly uncomfortable, it can also lead to serious health issues. At regular preventative check-ups, your dentist will be able to address any tooth pain or concerning symptoms, preventing them from developing into a more serious diagnosis.
If you’re expecting and would like to find out more about how we can accommodate you, please get in touch. Give us a call on 01509 621212 and speak to one of our approachable team members today. Alternatively, book your next consultation now.